Sunday, January 18, 2009


The town we live in has been doing some construction on one of the two outlets to the freeway. Besides just being frustrated with the traffic, we've realized that a lot of the congestion could've been prevented had they worked to prepare better detours.

In the middle of these changes, we've also been dealing the limited space in our home due to the recent renovations on our kitchen.

Before doing our kitchen, we had taken out our bedroom closet to make room for a new back door in the laundry room, on the other side of our room. At the time, this didn't seem like a bad idea because the second bedroom has a bigger closet anyway. Little did we realize that we both had more clothes than we originally thought.

While criticizing the city for their lack of organization, I didn't realize that if we had planned ahead, we could have prevented the congestion in our own home. Our fridge and dishes have been in the front room, and our food has been in the computer room, leaving television viewing and relaxing for the bedroom. Being in such tight quarters, we have been very short with each other, so you can imagine my excitement for this renovation to be finished.

Prepare for everything.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kath and Kim..

I know it's probably the dumbest thing ever, but I really enjoy this show. It's in my Thursday show line-up before The Office and 30 Rock, so I figured I might as well just watch it. Just to clarify, Kath is Kim's mother and Craig is Kim's new husband. My favorite part so far involved this conversation:

Kim: Is it fixed yet, Craig? Is it? Did you fix it? Is it fixed yet?
Craig: Kim! Scientists took like a billion ka-jillion years to discover cable, ok? I can't just understand it in two seconds.
Kim: I should've married Tommy Conklin. He installs car stereos at Walmart. He totally gets wires and stuff.
Craig: Go marry Tommy Conklin, Kim! Have fun, because he has a bent-over ear, ok? So, have fun with that, it's crazy lookin'.
Kath: That's very unattractive..
Craig: Yeah, my ears are perfect. I'm constantly getting compliments on them. Constantly. It's irritating. It's like, I get it. I have good ears, leave me alone!

I love moments like this in shows.. I just have giggle-fits. Anyway, these three shows are pretty much the only ones that I try to keep up with when they're actually on the air. I love lots of other shows, but I can't always watch them so I have to wait to watch them online later. Thursday night is my show night. The end. I LOVE IT!

Edit: I plan on posting some of my real writing after I switch this to invitation-only here in a week or two. I have a lot to put on here, so get excited!! (or not)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new blog for us..

Alright ... I started this blog in an attempt to have a place to post my writings. When I hit some writers block, I switched this over to an update site for Cody and I. Now that my writers block is gone (hopefully), I'm switching this back to a writing blog, mmkay?

I have created a new blog for updates ( So, if you have been checking this site solely for updates on our crazy life, please refer to the new blog.

I also have a photo-blog ( If you are interested in reading my attempts at being a writer or viewing my photographs, please let me know via comment or email ( before February 1, 2009.*I will be making these two blogs "by invitation only" affective February 1, 2009* This is just to make sure I don't get plagerized, not that I'm too worried that someone would want to steal my stuff. My writing will commence at that point in time.

Thank you everyone!