Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 7

How you hope your future will be..

Future has been something Cody and I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. We've been married for 5 years and besides buying two house, we don't really feel like we've accomplished much. We understand that buying a home is a great step for a married couple, but considering some of our high school friends are working on their 2nd or 3rd kids, we still feel a little behind. We've been making more and more money each year, but it seems like we've just adjusted our lifestyles to use up the extra cash. We have a nice big house (a little too big if you ask me), so it's natural that we should be focusing on having kids now, right?

We are. The last few months have been filled with conversations on what we need to do to get me in a part-time job and still be able to pay our bills. I'm currently working two part-time jobs, but we're not stable enough for me to just take one at the pay we're making. We're working towards cutting our monthly costs (car payments, other debt, etc.) and then that should make it possible for me to just have one part-time job. I think when we were first married, Cody was ok with the idea that I would have to work when we have kids. But now our goal is to have me stay home as much as possible. That's always been my goal, but Cody definitely sees the value in it now that we've grown up a little more.

THE POINT! What I hope for the future is this:
Having a few kids (2-4)
Keeping the house clean
Doing the laundry
Having a good dinner as a family every night
Going to church as a family each Sunday
Family prayer each night
Visiting Grandmas and Grandpas every weekend for a few hours
A chocolate or yellow lab to grow up with the kids
I want to be the kind of wife and mother that will help my husband be happy and not stressed out.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 6

Something you don't leave home without..

I have a list!:

wallet (I.D., cash, subway card, assorted reward cards, etc.)
chapstick (multiple.. I have to have options!)
whatever book I'm reading at the time
nu skin i.d. badge (I always seem to forget it when I need it, so I just keep it in my bag all the time)

**as a downer note, Cody and I got in a fight last night and it ended with him saying that I should stay with my parents for a few weeks.. Also calling me a "crazy psycho" .. I spent the whole night expecting him to come back up to bed and we would both apologize to each other and everything would be ok. Instead, he spent the whole night down on the couch (cliche) and was obviously still upset this morning. Obviously on my side, I think he's being completely ridiculous, but I'm trying not to rush to my conclusions and assume there is more to his "tantrum". All of the communication I've got from him today has been "Some of the things you say and do just blow my mind, Felicia. I'm to a breaking point where I don't even know what to think or say to you." I guess I'm to the point where I'm this close to telling him to just leave me if he's not happy and get it over with. I don't want him to leave me, but I'm so sick of his threats and his end-of-the-world drama. So I just offered to sleep at my parents house tonight but that I want to talk about it. I am really surprised at how long this has lasted, our fights never last this long and we've had much worse arguments. Hopefully, I'll have an update from him soon because I refuse to live with my parents for a few weeks if he's not going to talk to me about it. *SIGH*

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 5

A photo of somewhere you've traveled..

Cody and I drove to Denver during August of 2008 and it was so much fun! Probably one of my favorite trips. Pikes Peak was one of the highlights, for sure. Down in Denver on that day, it was around 90 degrees and up at the top of Pikes it was 40! I just can't believe they still have the cog train running during the winter! Colorado is a very beautiful state.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 4

A habit you wish you didn't have..

I guess this might be hard to explain, but I'm going to try.. One of the habits I wish I didn't have is running through conversations in my head. I find that this habit distracts me quite a bit, and it also does the opposite of what I wish it would do. I think I got into doing this because I wanted to be prepared with what to say to certain people depending on what they said or asked me. Make sense? For example, if Cody gets annoyed about something I've done, instead of trying to move on from whatever it was, I will sit and stew, thinking about what I could say next that would either teach him a lesson or incite an apology. This is only one example, and I know it's a little confusing. But I just feel like all it's ever done has made me come across slow or indifferent. I think it's important to think about what you say before you say it, but not to the extent that I do. I need to stop worrying so much about what I should say and just communicate with people. Especially Cody.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 3

A photo of you and some friends...

Cody, me, Kim, and Jason at the Spanish Fork Rodeo! I believe this was in July of 2008 when these two love birds were just starting out. Cody and I had been married for two years at this point. Jason and Kim are now married, but we used to spend so much time with them! Life happens and we've gotten a little busy, but they are super awesome! Dressing up for the rodeo is one my favorite summertime activities, and Jason and Kim introduced me to that! I used to just go in normal clothes.. PSHAW! I hadn't lived until I dressed up, obviously.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2

The meaning behind your blog name..

I named my blog "writenow" in an attempt to get me to write more often, I suppose. I do so love writing and creating, so it's something I've always wanted to work on more. I just love the feeling of getting an idea and writing it to death. But don't we all? This blog has turned into a rant-fest and I'm just not happy about that. Hopefully this 30-day challenge will help me do better. Don't get your hopes up! But I will try. I also changed up the blog a bit tonight, so I hope it is pleasing to the senses. GREEN!!!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 1

A recent photo of you and 15 facts..

1. I'm just now realizing how much I miss my long hair.. I donated 10.5 inches!!! :(
2. Ever since going on a church history tour back in 2004 and being in the "green family", I've been obsessed with the color green.. Especially kelly green!
3. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I just love breakfast foods and I could eat it all day everyday if I could!
4. It took quite a long time to figure it out, but I have the coolest brothers I could have asked for. Kris, Jake, and Jeremy are so freaking awesome; I love them and I feel blessed every day.
5. I have to clip my finger and toe nails weekly. I can't handle them getting long at all; it grosses me out!
6. I like dividing my skittles (and any other colored candy, for that matter) into groups and eat them lightest to darkest.
7. Unless I'm in a particularly bad mood, I will laugh at most everything. Many friends can attest to this fact.. :)
8. Coming up with 15 interesting facts is proving to be harder than I anticipated!
9. I love converse shoes!
10. I may have some OCD tendencies, but don't most people? {please?}
11. I inherited my dad's bushy eyebrows. Even though I have to tweeze to keep them under control, I appreciate not having to draw my eyebrows on..
12. I suck at the blogging game right now, but I LOVE reading everyone's blogs.. *hint hint*
13. I love most types of music, just depends on the artist.
14. Kings of Leon irritates me so much...
15. I'm a pretty nice person :)

Here I go..

After a few days of research (aka browsing the internet 30 minutes for two days), I've decided that I want to combine the lists I've found and make it my own. I will do my darndest to do this everyday, but I doubt I will {just being realistic here, kids}.

30 Day Blogging Challenge!! {ones I've finished are in italics, along with links!}

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 03- A photo of you and some of your friends.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Day 05- A photo of somewhere you’ve traveled to.
Day 06- Something you don't leave the house without.
Day 07- How you hope your future will be.
Day 08- A letter to your parents.
Day 09- Something you’re proud of this year.
Day 10- Bands you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Mad
Day 11- A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 12- Something you love about yourself.
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 14- A photo of you and your family.
Day 15- Put your *Zune* on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
Day 16- Another photo of yourself.
Day 17- Something you're afraid of.
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
Day 20- A photo of something you can't live without.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else.
Day 23- Something you crave a lot.
Day 24- A book you're reading right now.
Day 25- Something you miss.
Day 26- A movie you're excited to see.
Day 27- Something that stresses you out.
Day 28- Somewhere you would like to travel.
Day 29- Something you love about yourself.
Day 30- This 30-day challenge and if you learned anything.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The last little while I haven't been posting often like I wanted to.. But I've been finding new blogs and I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know other bloggers. I wanted to introduce a few of them today so hopefully everyone can enjoy them!

The one I've been reading for a few years is I don't even remember how I discovered her blog, but I haven't looked back since! I guess you could say I was first attracted to her because she was living in the big city (NYC) and she was an LDS-blogger. But there is so much more to Natalie and I just can't wait for her next post. She is married, has a new little boy (probably close to turning one this fall, I believe?), and two hilarious dogs. She is currently living in a tiny apartment and enjoying big city life with her beautiful little family. Favorite post, you ask? Way too many to choose from, but here are a few good ones.. Go forth and enjoy!

Another great blog is curiouser & curiouser. I just stumbled upon this gem this week but I love it! I guess you could say I don't read a lot of blogs that are *BAM* or super exciting, but I think I just prefer them that way. Maybe they're more intimate? I really like Kenzie's blog because in the short time I've read it, I feel like I've gotten to know her, and I feel like I can really relate to the things she's written about. PLUS! She has lots of yummy recipes to share! Also, I just love the title of her blog. Genius, I say! I DO have a favorite post, so check it out!

I may be a little biased about this next one, but she was my coworker! I've Come to the Realization is a super great blog! I started reading it while we were working together back in the day, but now that we're not conversing daily, it's been a great way to keep up with her life. Darah is a quiet person for the most part (at least when I worked with her) but she is not timid on her blog at all! She has always expressed her opinions (very well too!) and I've been very entertained by them! Here are some of her best entries..

Well, that about does it for now, kids. I will definitely post more when I have more time. In the meantime, update your blogs so I have more to read at work! kthnxbai.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"good" old days..

Remember how I used to actually write on this blog? Not just rants? Me too.. I'd like to get started with that again, but I think I've come to the conclusion that I wrote those stories during a time when Cody and I weren't getting along very well. And maybe he was my inspiration behind them? That makes me a little sad, but I guess a lot of people get their inspiration through their struggles.

I've recently decided to channel my school-age self and use a backpack instead of my traditional purse/handbag/messenger bag, so maybe I can have a notepad with me to write down any ideas that come to me. I really do like to write, but I've just been focusing so hard on other things these days, I just haven't thought about it. Here's to hoping I use this blog for what it was created! :)

Friday, June 10, 2011


Even though I am pretty ok with where I am at right now, I'm still bitter about losing my job with American Crafts. And don't think for a second that I am bitter towards the company or my managers I had there. I just really wish I wouldn't have lost that job. It was such an amazing opportunity and I enjoyed my time there so much. The pay was great, my coworkers were so much fun, and the work was perfect for me. I never felt overworked (it took a week or two to get used to the workload), and I always felt appreciated. I guess I just wish that I had been given an idea if they would ever hire me back. I don't want to be the annoying former employee, but they never responded to an email I sent the same day they laid me off. All I said in the email was that I was grateful for the chance to work for them and that I appreciated the severance pay they were able to give me. As a side note, I asked if there might ever be a chance that I could reapply for the job. Isn't it fair to ask for my job back when the company is doing better financially? I think so. But I never got a response. That makes me wonder if they really did like me as an employee. I wasn't the only one laid-off, so I took comfort in knowing that I hadn't been "fired". But what if I was fired, but they hid it by calling it a "lay-off"?

When it comes down to it, that was probably the best job I've ever had and I'm just sad it didn't last longer and that I wasn't able get some kind of closure. Since Nu Skin's distribution center is across the street from AC's old warehouse, I find my thoughts turning to them more often than I'd like.