Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kath and Kim..

I know it's probably the dumbest thing ever, but I really enjoy this show. It's in my Thursday show line-up before The Office and 30 Rock, so I figured I might as well just watch it. Just to clarify, Kath is Kim's mother and Craig is Kim's new husband. My favorite part so far involved this conversation:

Kim: Is it fixed yet, Craig? Is it? Did you fix it? Is it fixed yet?
Craig: Kim! Scientists took like a billion ka-jillion years to discover cable, ok? I can't just understand it in two seconds.
Kim: I should've married Tommy Conklin. He installs car stereos at Walmart. He totally gets wires and stuff.
Craig: Go marry Tommy Conklin, Kim! Have fun, because he has a bent-over ear, ok? So, have fun with that, it's crazy lookin'.
Kath: That's very unattractive..
Craig: Yeah, my ears are perfect. I'm constantly getting compliments on them. Constantly. It's irritating. It's like, I get it. I have good ears, leave me alone!

I love moments like this in shows.. I just have giggle-fits. Anyway, these three shows are pretty much the only ones that I try to keep up with when they're actually on the air. I love lots of other shows, but I can't always watch them so I have to wait to watch them online later. Thursday night is my show night. The end. I LOVE IT!

Edit: I plan on posting some of my real writing after I switch this to invitation-only here in a week or two. I have a lot to put on here, so get excited!! (or not)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha, can I just say that I love this show too! Who cares if it's's hillarious! I have my Kim moments sometimes, but I just love the way that all the characters interact with each other! Oh and I am excited for lunch on Friday again!
