Saturday, January 1, 2011



I just finished the fourth and final Twilight book. I started back on November 29th, so I'd say I finished pretty quickly! My review? The story was good and entertaining. Vampires will always been very sensual to me, that's why I've never been able to be fooled into the innocence these books attempted to portray. When it comes down to it, I've read paperback novels (aka SMUT) that were tamer than these books. But I've never specifically heard them declared as good or wholesome. I wasn't impressed by her writing talent, but I may have been biased because I recently finished Harry Potter. Another series written for the younger generation, but way beyond that reading level. Twilight is appropriate for the target audience.

Moral? I'm glad I read these books. Both for education and for enjoyment. I did enjoy them. I had more eye-rolling times than I usually do, but that comes with the demographic. I don't feel like I wasted this past month, but I probably wouldn't read them again. Stephenie Meyer had a great run for a first-time author, and I'm interested to see if she ever writes again. Unfortunately, I'm thinking she is set with royalties and won't publish much in the future.

Farewell, Jacob *sigh*

While watching New Moon:

Cody: "..Not a brain in his head."

Fe: "Oh, but what a beautiful head he has.."

Cody: "..."

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahaha. Fe, your are so cute and I totally agree with you. Although I feel like such a cougar. hahaha, okay not really.

    By the way, did you see Eclipse? "I am hotter than you." hahaha. If not, listen for that line.

    I liked the books as well, but I didn't enjoy the fourth one too much because I pretty much rolled my eyes throughout the whole book. There was way too much action at one time in it. And I wouldn't read them again either, but I'm glad I read them because I enjoyed it.
