Wednesday, June 11, 2008

under construction...(long post!)

We're finally covered by insurance! After being without for our whole marriage (yeah, only two years..), I finally got some insurance from my work! I feel so relieved to finally be able to go to the doctor if we need it! No, we're not pregnant...everyone asks me that when I say that we just got insurance! (weird!)

I went to Denver with the fam damily in April to visit some friends of the family for a few days. I didn't realize how much I needed a vacation until I was over there, it was very nice. Plus, it's so beautiful over there! Pat and Mark were so nice to entertain us and be the hosts! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Here's a pic of Jeremy and I at one of the monuments at Garden of the Gods. Beautiful national park!

Writing has been slow..I really want to expand on writing about my Grandmother. I'm in the process of getting the answering machine message from my mom and see if I can conjure up some more memories of her. My brother Kris said that I made him remember a lot, so as long as I can get my family to at least remember more, it will be time well spent. I don't want to kid myself, but I also don't want to discourage myself from expressing myself and possibly getting published someday. We'll see.

The little brother Jeremy got a snare position on the drumline at school. I'm so proud of him! I'd hate to see all the table-drumming to go to waste! :P He is also becoming a lot better with the guitar and I get bombarded with new songs every time I see him. When he really loves something, he just dives right in!

We're doing a physical wellness program at work (seeing as how we're a sit-down-company mostly) and I'm taking part in it. If we exercise at least three hours per week (monday-sunday), we get a raffle ticket towards a prize (I have yet to find out what it is). Even if I don't win, I don't see a problem with becoming more active! Just one step closer to feeling better about myself! Not that I'm depressed, or anything that major.. I just remember when I was happier with myself physically, and I want that again!

I started the next book in the series I'm reading and it's great! I thought I was just being a bad reader, but I had the hardest time finishing Voyager. It was a very good book, don't get me wrong. I guess I just started losing interest in the storyline. With Drums of Autumn, I'm getting caught up with some characters who weren't focused on as much in Voyager, and they are providing a fresh new story to spice things up! I love these books! Diana Gabaldon just has such a talent with describing scenery, characters, and situations that I just can't put the books down! I feel like I have the movies in my head through the whole thing and it's great!

As for the title of this post...our house is under construction right now. Currently, Cody is completely redoing out utility/laundry room. It started with wanting to redecorate the kitchen. To do that, we needed to move the gas lines as we wanted to move the stove. After the gas line was finished, the floor was ruined, and we decided we wanted to close in the furnace and water heater. We framed that in, and are now in the process of redoing the walls (still deciding on paint color and texture). Next up will be tile flooring, and then moving the washer/dryer back in officially. Once that's finished, we will evaluate our financial situation and begin gutting out the kitchen. We've already been without a stove for the past 3 weeks, so being without the entire kitchen shouldn't be too much of an adjustment (hint of sarcasm? cha.) I'm pretty confident in Cody's abilities seeing as how he finished the utility room by himself (mostly), so the kitchen shouldn't be too hard for him. I did, however, insist on asking family members/friends to help him do the kitchen so it will go faster. We also started taking off the back mudroom, so if you were to drive past our house, it would look like a bomb exploded back there...We have yet to finish that up, but we're also hoping to paint the exterior maybe later this summer, so that can wait. All I have to say is if our house value doesn't go up after all of these updates, I'm gonna hurt someone..*sigh*

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